The best way to make money in any business is to know when your target customer will need or want your products or services. Spend less generating new sales by knowing the when for your products to dial in your marketing investments being spent to connect with when potential customers are in the market for what you to because they have a need to satisfy or want to serve.
Knowing when people will need or want what you do is the best way to avoid wasting marketing dollars
Generating new customers is hard work. It is tough to do when people aren’t in the mindset to need or want what your business produces. Anytime people aren’t experiencing problems in need of your solutions, they will fail to see your promotions. As a result, the money you’re investing in marketing your business isn’t being seen. It isn’t picked up on because the people you’re trying to influence aren’t looking for or thinking about what you’re offering.
Think about the last time you were in the market for a new car. During this period, your eye was likely drawn to every new model you spotted on the road, in your favorite magazine, or on TV.
Before this, you were more likely to have tuned out all of the car ads on TV or your favorite radio station; your eye probably sailed right past the signage of the car dealerships along your route to work. Yet as your interest in acquiring a new car grew, you began paying attention to the advertising as you started considering what you might like to buy. The more you considered, the more you narrowed your list of features that you were looking for in your new car—otherwise known as your make and model “consideration set.”
As you began to focus on the type of car you were leaning toward, the more you noticed how many people were driving the car you were considering. Then you also started to notice how many people are driving the precise color of the car you were thinking of parking in your garage.
You only hook the hungry fish
Unless you’re selling exclusively to impulse buyers, your success will depend on your ability to sell to inquiring minds. As illustrated in the above scenario, your mind never goes through the process of narrowing down the choices in a new car if you aren’t in the market for one.
Your mind needs the right stimulation before it will respond. The space between stimulus and response is where perception is formed, and a choice is made. Without the intrusion of a new and compelling need or want, there is no choice to be made.
The entering of new knowledge allows us to form a perception of value, and without it, there will be no choice. Always promote your business in ways that help the customer make an informed choice based on a clear perception of value.
The best way to make money in any business is to know when your target customer will need or want your products or services. Spend less generating new sales by knowing the when for your products to dial in your marketing investments being spent to connect with when potential customers are in the market for what you to because they have a need to satisfy or want to serve.
Would you like help to confirm when your customers need and want what you do?
Click here if you are struggling with when your target customer will need or want what you’re offering to speak with a marketing and sales expert to improve your ability to generate new leads that you can turn into new customers.
Want help confirming when people need and want what you do?
Click the link below if you are struggling with when your target customer will need or want what you’re offering to speak with a marketing and sales expert to improve your ability to generate new leads that you can turn into new customers.