Every customer purchase matters because it means you have cash flowing into your business. Until people pay you for what you do, all you have is cash flowing out. Failure to dial into when people need what you do means that you are highly reliant on your sales process to convert someone who isn’t in the market for what you do into a customer who gives you their money through their purchases from you.
A customer’s perceived value of what you do is shaped by when they need what you do
The perceived value of your products and services is shaped by when people need what you are offering. Perception is the process of getting, interpreting, selecting, and organizing sensory information. It is more than “information coming in,” which includes collecting data from sense organs through to the interpretation made by the brain. It is the brain forming a conclusion that leads them to act or not act.
The challenge with perception in the buying process is best summarized in the following:
- If the customer sees value = they will buy.
People can best see the value when they have a pressing need.
- IF THE CUSTOMER QuestionS value = THEY WILL think about it, AT BEST.
This is particularly true when the need is not pressing.
The problem with people not seeing the value in your product is they won’t buy from you, resulting in you achieving zero cash flow from their purchase consideration.
Every business needs sales to stay in business. Those in sales fulfill their role when they persuade people to buy from you. The role of marketing is to create awareness in what you do that drives new leads to sales to convert into new customers. Both marketing and sales work best when you can align your marketing and sales messaging to the trigger moment when your target customer needs what you do.
Failure to dial into when people need what you do means that you are highly reliant on your sales process to convert someone who isn’t in the market for what you do into a customer who purchases from you. Every purchase matters because that means you have cash flowing into your business. Until people pay you for what you do, all you have is cash flowing out.
The best way to get cash flowing in from sales is to know when people have a need for you to satisfy or a want to serve. Know this, and you can reduce the costs of promoting your business and improve your lead conversion rate. Failure to know this will result in lower marketing and sales conversion rates, making you less money.
Want help knowing the when for your customers to earn higher sales and profits?
Click here to speak with a marketing and sales expert if you want help knowing the when your target customer needs or wants what you’re offering. They will help you connect your business to the when to improve your ability to convert sales prospects into new customers for higher sales and more profits.
Want help knowing when your customers need what you do?
Click the link below if you struggle with when your target customer needs or wants what you’re offering to speak with a marketing and sales expert. They will help you connect your business to the when to improve your ability to convert sales prospects into new customers for higher sales and more profits.