The sales persuasion opportunity with those who think they have the time and the skill lies in the reality that those who don’t do what you do every day will almost always underestimate the amount of time and skill level required to do it themselves successfully.
Service businesses’ unique pricing challenge lies in overcoming the don’t do it or do it myself decision
Businesses that provide a service face an additional element in convincing a target customer to buy, which is the do it themselves option. Both product and service-oriented businesses face a similar pass-on buying option associated with living without what you offer them. The additional obstacle a service business must help their potential customers wrestle through in making a purchase decision is, should they pay you to do it, do it themselves, or do without?
Often the decision to pay someone else to do it versus doing it yourself comes down to the problem of tight cash flow. What makes overcoming the doing it yourself option difficult in convincing someone to pay you to do it versus doing it themselves is when the target customer has the time and the skill, but not the money to do what needs to be done.
The sales persuasion opportunity with those who think they have the time and the skill lies in the reality that those who don’t do what you do every day will almost always underestimate the amount of time and skill level required to do it themselves successfully. The reality is that those who chose to “do it myself” rather than pay a professional to do the work end up spending more money than they would have paid the professionals.
Click here to learn how the economic theories of opportunity costs and the law of supply and demand can help you overcome the “do it myself” argument to buy from you.
Click here to learn how the economic theories of opportunity costs and the law of supply and demand can help you overcome the “do it myself” argument to buying from you.