Investor’s “Dry Powder”: What It Means
Decoding the “Dry Powder” Excuse: What Investors Really Mean Entrepreneurs looking to start a business and business owners looking to...
Gross Margin: Your Business Turnover Stat
Turnover Margin in Football = Gross Margin in Business In a recent NFL broadcast, Tom Brady observed that the turnover...
4 Life Skills for a Changing World
Thriving in a Changing World Requires Active Listening, Focus, Resilience, and Perspective-Taking A Forbes article by Ann Smith, a workplace...
Stop Kicking the Can!
Do you keep pouring money back into a struggling business with no idea how you are going to turn it...
Stop Kicking the Can
The Importance of Engaging Employees to Sales and Profits
What does engaging employees mean and why does it matter? Engaging employees is more than just employees showing up and...
Stop Making These Engagement Mistakes
14 Common Ownership Mistakes that Kill Employee Engagement and How to Fix Them Owning a small business is tough. It’s...
7 Principles for Building a GREAT Business
The 7-P Framework: A Guide to Building a GREAT Business The book “Owning a GREAT Business: 7 Organizing Principles So...