Hiring employees who align with your company’s values and strategic style fosters a strong culture, improves performance, and ultimately drives profitability.
Primary Implication
Your employees represent the people talent you invest in through your payroll to perform required roles and tasks. The difference between making and losing money is how well their actions convert into profitable results.
The people taking a wage from your business either earn the business more than they cost or don’t. Why are they still on your payroll if they aren’t earning more than you are paying them?
The Talent Solution, by Edward L. Gubman provides some excellent thinking on aligning strategy and people to achieve extraordinary results. Gubman illustrates the process by which companies with strong cultures choose people who are the right “fit.”
When you select employees who “fit” with your values, you’ll go a long way to ensuring value alignment and influential company culture. New employees will be brought into your organization predisposed to hear what you have to say and prepared to buy into what you are trying to accomplish.
Suspicion and cynicism will be reduced because you will be hiring someone who is a closer match for the business culture, your leadership style shaped. Click here to see twelve employee practices anchored by your strategic style to maximize your profits for a side-by-side comparison to help you identify the best strategic style for your business.
You maximize your profits by hiring people who tightly fit your strategic style and teaching them to perform their duties competently. It’s unrealistic to expect flawless execution from your employees, particularly if they cannot see the “value creation” in what they do. No plan entirely survives the battlefield.